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PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 10:08 am 

Joined: Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:32 am
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First name: Peter
Last Name: Norman
City: Grand Falls-Windsor
State: NL
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Country: Canada
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Status: Amateur
I was thicknessing a top for my newest build this morning. Was planning on using Yellow Cedar for this one but noticed two fractures starting to form running with the grain about an inch from the center line on each side of the sound board. They run for approx. 1.5 inches from the tail bock towards the soundhole. I don't think the crack is all the way through the top, but when flexing the soundboard, noticed it open up. It opens when the top is flex downward, in the same way it will be radiussed.

The YC seemed to be quite a nice top, fine grain and perfectly quartered and stiff, with no apparent run out and has been sitting for about 5 years waiting to be used. I've never worked with YC before, so not sure if it is prone to cracking, and if this is something to be aware of when working with this wood?

I've already installed the rosette, and was planning on bracing this evening, not too far ahead, but don't really want to throw away the top, but also don't want regrets after the guitar is completed. I've wicked thin CA glue into the cracks and have seemed to stabilize for now and once braced will place a cleat in the area of the crack.

I'm thinking that there may be a soft grain in there and wondering if this will open down the road once the guitar is strung up and played ?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 10:33 am 

Joined: Wed Feb 17, 2016 8:54 am
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Bear in mind that all wood can crack. Might be tension in the wood being released.

Are the fractures cross grain or with the grain?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 11:10 am 

Joined: Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:32 am
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First name: Peter
Last Name: Norman
City: Grand Falls-Windsor
State: NL
Zip/Postal Code: A2A2V6
Country: Canada
Focus: Build
Status: Amateur
DanKirkland wrote:
Bear in mind that all wood can crack. Might be tension in the wood being released.

Are the fractures cross grain or with the grain?
With the grain...after I posted I went back to sand down the top. when flexing across the grain two more longer cracks opened up. figuring it must be a lot of soft grain.
I had thicknesses to 2.7 mm with a deflection at the intersection of the x brace of 6 mm using a 4 lbs weight.

I've got another YC tops but now am skeptical to use this cracking/fracturing inherent with YC?

This is only my 5th guitar but have never experienced this with WRC, Sitka or Lutz in my other builds

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 6:53 pm 
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I've never had any problem working with yellow cedar, seems to be a forgiving wood

member of the guild of professional dilettantes

PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 7:37 pm 
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Joined: Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:19 am
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I've used it on four guitars so far and never noticed a problem. It could be that the wood had some damage that is just now showing up. I usually try to give the soundboard cutoffs a good flex right after I cut them off to check for hidden flaws or bad glue joint, it gives me a little piece of mind that I'm not starting with an already bad piece.


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 8:51 pm 

Joined: Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:32 am
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First name: Peter
Last Name: Norman
City: Grand Falls-Windsor
State: NL
Zip/Postal Code: A2A2V6
Country: Canada
Focus: Build
Status: Amateur
kjaffrey wrote:
I've used it on four guitars so far and never noticed a problem. It could be that the wood had some damage that is just now showing up. I usually try to give the soundboard cutoffs a good flex right after I cut them off to check for hidden flaws or bad glue joint, it gives me a little piece of mind that I'm not starting with an already bad piece.

I think you may be right about it being a bad piece. planed down the other YC top I have and seems to be much better. thanks

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