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Author:  Ruby50 [ Sun Feb 11, 2018 6:37 am ]
Post subject:  spokeshave

If anyone is interested in making a spokeshave, here is the tutorial by the guy who developed the modern wooden shave:

In the early days it was called a guntershave after him, John Gunterman. They are really fun to make and a great way to use up exotic wood scraps. I have 3 that I have made in Boxwood, Purpleheart, and Jatoba.


Author:  Clay S. [ Sun Feb 11, 2018 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: spokeshave

Thanks for posting that. It looks like it could be a fun project at some point in the future.

Author:  Paul Micheletti [ Tue Feb 13, 2018 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: spokeshave

I've made one of these with one important change. I put the wings of the handle off of the bottom of the shave so that the pull force is in line with the blade edge. Having the handle wings up on the top of the shave doesn't make a lot of sense. I studied with Russ Filbeck who made this change for his chair making shaves.

Given that, I still prefer the Lee Valley shaves (both flat sole and rounded sole) over the one I made. The adjustability for depth of bite is much easier to control on the mechanical shaves.

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