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jescar fret wire
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Author:  phavriluk [ Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:56 pm ]
Post subject:  jescar fret wire

I'd love to know the various sizes and materials of fret wire from this manufacturer. I bought some from one source and I was offered and bought 'medium' wire, no mention of height. I noticed on another exchange about neck truing that Jescar wire is available in varying heights, just the thing to resolve overenthusiastic fretboard preparation. If anyone can point me to a source with a catalog and a means to order from it, I'd be grateful.

Thanks, folks.

Author:  Dave m2 [ Wed Jan 03, 2018 1:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: jescar fret wire

As far as I can see the Jescar site itself has all the specs of their wire and you can buy off the site. I am in the UK so have to go through a retailer and have found one who has a good range.

I use a particular size of Jescar, partly because I like it but also because I've got my fretting saw to produce just the right kerf width for it!


Author:  Hesh [ Wed Jan 03, 2018 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: jescar fret wire

Good stuff!

They do sell direct to individuals and have excellent service. We've been using it for about a decade and love the stuff.

Author:  mountain whimsy [ Wed Jan 03, 2018 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: jescar fret wire

I've been using Jescar for the past six or so builds and love it, too. I get mine in pre cut lenths and pre-radiused from Philadelphia Luthier ( Quick service and cheap shipping. They have all the specs on their site, too.

Author:  rlrhett [ Wed Jan 03, 2018 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: jescar fret wire

I buy from them almost exclusively. Good prices, and I like that it comes looped making bending them to match the fretboard curve easy. But note, many of their wires have thinner tangs than other sources. They are not all the same size, but most are 0.020". The good news is that finding bits at 0.020" is MUCH easier than 0.023". But I had a couple of fretboards where the wire was loose and I assumed it was my router. Finally I did the obvious thing and took a micrometer to the tang. THEN I checked the specs. [headinwall]

Author:  phavriluk [ Wed Jan 03, 2018 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: jescar fret wire

Thanks, folks. One more problem under control.

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