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Nut on flat or angled part of neck
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Author:  Freeman [ Sat Dec 09, 2017 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Nut on flat or angled part of neck

I have built necks both ways - with the nut on the flat part and on the angled headstock. I think Gibson mostly does it the first way, Martin the second. I guess that when I put the adjuster in the headplate I tend to put the nut on the flat, when I put the adjuster in the soundhole I put the nut on the angle.

For what it is worth I almost always use a double acting rod with a small (hex key) socket. In normal action the rod would be pushing down a the nut and heel end and up in the middle. I also use a 1/4 inch thick nut - so putting it on the flat just makes the neck that much longer.

I can't think of why one might be better but I'm curious what you use and why.

Author:  Hesh [ Sat Dec 09, 2017 1:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nut on flat or angled part of neck

Both, can't think of a reason why one is superior to the other either beyond folks who build instruments closely following a particular builder's traditions such as CFM, OG, etc.

Regarding my phrase, the serviceability quotient I still don't see any advantages of either over the other provided that neither is inlaid... into a dovetail cavity of sorts. I have seen this before and expressed a few choice words as a result...

A related discussion is if the nut ends are on the curves of the headstock or a relative flat area. I built one guitar with the nut ends on a curve and this resulted in needing to hollow out the ends of the nut for appearances. Although just another day in the neighborhood I can see how some may find this to be a harder nut to produce well and have it still look eloquent.

Also related are finished in nuts such as CFM and OG did/do. I like the look and with today's light cured composite dental filling technologies the nut need never need to be removed making scoring the finish not a consideration anymore.

Author:  meddlingfool [ Sat Dec 09, 2017 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nut on flat or angled part of neck

I do it on the flat of the neck, as I find it easier to make it that way, as well as easier to make the nut.

Author:  Michaeldc [ Sat Dec 09, 2017 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nut on flat or angled part of neck

+1 for on the flat...

Author:  Terence Kennedy [ Sun Dec 10, 2017 12:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nut on flat or angled part of neck

Angled for me because I like the way it looks.

Author:  Woodie G [ Sun Dec 10, 2017 6:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nut on flat or angled part of neck

For deep-set nuts glued in an overly comprehensive fashion, the angled bottom nut seems a bit easier to release; when nuts are glued properly (we prefer a very small dot or at most two of medium CA on the face of the nut resting against the fretboard), there is no real difference. I prefer the look of the angled bottom for Martin and other historical examples, but I am uncertain as to whether most players will find a reason to care.

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