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Luthier ib Norfolk (VA not UK)
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Author:  Ruby50 [ Sun Apr 19, 2015 3:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Luthier ib Norfolk (VA not UK)

A friend has a 1960 D-28 (175XXX) that he bought from the original owner in 1973 for $400 (the going rate). It is very nice and has been played gently for its entire life. It has quite lovely landscape Rosewood on the B+S.

About 10-12 years ago he sent it to Martin because the bridge was lifting. It came back with a new bridge and he did not give it much thought. The new bridge is lifting quite a bit again. In addition, the bridge seems to be skidding towards the soundhole with a little bare line below it and a plowed line of finish above it, with about 1/16" of apparent movement. I think that is because some of the bridge is now separated from the top and there is less resistance.

Does anyone know of a good luthier in Norfolk, VA to trust this instrument to?

Also, the new bridge is about 1/8" wider than the original which Martin returned to him. Was this change for intonation reasons?



Author:  Colonial Tonwds [ Mon Apr 20, 2015 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Luthier ib Norfolk (VA not UK)

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