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Guitar stuff or wood/tool boutiques in Charleston SC?
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Author:  klooker [ Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  Guitar stuff or wood/tool boutiques in Charleston SC?

I'm vacationing with family in Charleston SC for the next week.

I can only do so much beach time.

Anyone know of any guitar related stuff or wood or tool boutiques in the area?

Kevin Looker

Author:  George L [ Sun Jun 16, 2013 10:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Guitar stuff or wood/tool boutiques in Charleston SC?

I've never been there, but a buddy of mine goes to Charleston for work every now and then. Apparently there's a decent guitar store named "Ye Olde Music Shoppe" -- or something like that. Dumb name, but my friend says it's a good place to check out guitars. He isn't into building instruments and I haven't heard him say anything about wood or tool places.

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