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Royal Flush Inlay - Source ?
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Author:  rich altieri [ Mon Mar 31, 2008 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Royal Flush Inlay - Source ?

I saw a Royal Flush inlay for headstock somewhere along the way a couple of years ago. Any one know who created it, or where I might get a similar inlay for a headstock? Also looking for hearts, spades, diamonds and clubs inlays for fretboard and cant seem to find them from well known suppliers.

Author:  Brad Goodman [ Mon Mar 31, 2008 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Royal Flush Inlay - Source ?

The sign on the side of the plumbers truck says
"In our bussiness, a flush beats a full house!!"

Or, on the septic truck it says
"We're #1 in the #2 bussiness"

Oh- I believe Tom Ellis has the "royal Flush" inlay.

Author:  Philip Perdue [ Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Royal Flush Inlay - Source ?

Yes, Tom Ellis has the inlay. I couldn't find a web site for Precision Pearl Inlay but did find a photo of the Flush inlay. Image


Author:  cyborgcnc [ Mon Mar 31, 2008 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Royal Flush Inlay - Source ?

And here is a little about how the process works.... ... ellis.html

:l :)

Author:  Terry Stowell [ Mon Mar 31, 2008 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Royal Flush Inlay - Source ?

oops_sign Thought this was a "mother of toilet seat" thread. Grandma's old seat is made of that stuff. Purdy

Author:  Bob Garrish [ Mon Mar 31, 2008 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Royal Flush Inlay - Source ?

I can cut that type stuff for you if you can't find it as a stock item somewhere, Rich. The execution isn't a problem, but high-end work is high-end pricey if it's a one-off :)

Author:  Michael Dale Payne [ Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Royal Flush Inlay - Source ?

The problem is that Tom has a minimal order size per component. I built a poker table some 6 years back for a close friend and wanted to use these very inlays. Tom's sales staff said the minimum at the time I checked was 30 units per component if I remember right

Author:  rich altieri [ Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Royal Flush Inlay - Source ?

Thanks to all for your replies. Very helpful as always - you guys rock !!!

Bob, I am building this guitar for a friend who came up with this idea and if you are willing to shoot me a price I would be happy to have you do it if my friend is willing to go the expense. You can email me at:

Author:  1bordeaux [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Royal Flush Inlay - Source ?

Bob Garrish wrote:
I can cut that type stuff for you if you can't find it as a stock item somewhere, Rich. The execution isn't a problem, but high-end work is high-end pricey if it's a one-off :)

Unless you want it hand cut...
P.M. me and I'll send you a photo of one I did on the first fret 5-6 years ago.


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