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Bridge plate positioning
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Author:  Mitch Cain [ Sun Mar 02, 2008 8:41 am ]
Post subject:  Bridge plate positioning

Iim about to start bracing my first top. I've read that you want to have the bridge pin holes centered on your bridge plate. How do you figure out the precise location of the bridge plate when you are at the bracing stage?

Author:  Hesh [ Sun Mar 02, 2008 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bridge plate positioning

Mitch bro the bridge plate position is derived from determining where the particular scale length that you are planning on using will position the bridge. What scale length are you going to use?

Also, the pin holes being centered is not what I look for in my plate positions. Instead I want about 1/8" or plate to extend behind and in front of the bridge when the bridge is glued on. It's also very important if you are designing your own bridge to be sure that the bridge extends over the X-brace since the bridge is actually a very important brace. But that is bridges and I digressed...... sorry.

So determine your scale length, have a template of your bridge shape and the needed size dimensions for the bridge plate respective to the bridge, and lay it all out. The saddle position will determine where the bridge goes and the bridge determines where the plate goes.

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