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ooo norman blake bracing, one more ?
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Author:  Peter Pii [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 12:46 pm ]
Post subject:  ooo norman blake bracing, one more ?

we had a thread a while back about the Martin ooo norman blake bracing pattern.It's a 14 fret body using a 12 fret neck/ short scale.
what would a guy have to do to the bacing to turn that into a 14 fret body, 12 fret neck with a 25.34" scale length?
Is it as simple as just moving the bridge plate accordingly?

Author:  Howard Klepper [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 1:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ooo norman blake bracing, one more ?

ToddStock wrote:
It is a 1/4" shift in the saddle closer to the body fret, so I would tend to shift the soundhole 1/8" toward nut, shift the X 1/8" up, spread the X a degree or so to keep the same relationship between bridge wings and X that the short scale version has, and adjust the UTB and fretboard extension to get everything back to looking right.

He's asking about lengthening the scale.

Author:  TonyKarol [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ooo norman blake bracing, one more ?

Yes, as Howard states .. lengthening the scale .. since the scale delta is about 1/2 inch, you will need to move everything BACK about 1/4 inch (lower bout bracing, X and bridgeplate, since the other 1/4 inch will be absorbed in the neck, frets 1-12) - the soundhole may be able to be left as is, but you may need to shorten the FB end after the last fret - other wise slide the soundhole back a touch ...

I woud simply start from scratch and figure it out, drawing out the frets on the body, fingerboard end, place the soundhole, find where the bridge will sit, then draw the X in at the desired angle etc. ....

Author:  Peter Pii [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ooo norman blake bracing, one more ?

Yup, I was thinkin I'd only have room for 19 frets in all.
I will draw it out but I'm pretty new to this(only 3 built) and I haven't strayed from the standard dred. plan.
I thought I'd ask the question just to be sure I won't miss something that wouldn't be obvious to me.
thank you all

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