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Bending temps
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Author:  jmanter [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  Bending temps

There has been some discussion of late about side bending and difficult woods, etc. It seems like a good time for a thread regarding temperatures for bending different woods. So what do y'all like for temps?

Author:  Rod True [ Sun Feb 24, 2008 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bending temps

Several years ago, John Mayes put together a nice article on side bending with lots of woods and temperatures he likes to bend at. Here is the article. I tend to follow this as John spend several months working for Dana B bending sides, tuning tops etc.... so he's put in his time I'd say. There of course will most likely be others who dissagree with John's list of bending temperatures but that's the way of it.

And here is cut and paste from the article with the list of woods

Indian Rosewood: 300f
Mahogany: 310f
Maple (bigleaf): 290f
maple (European): 280f
Brazilian Rosewood: 305f
Cocobolo: 310f
Koa: 300f
Paduk: 310f
Walnut: 300f
Other Rosewoods: 300f

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