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Lutz question - need ebony fingerboard
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Author:  KenH [ Tue Feb 12, 2008 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Lutz question - need ebony fingerboard

Ok, just so I dont go out in public and make a fool of myself.....

is "lutz" pronounced "loots" or is it pronounced "luts" (rhymes with sluts) ???

All I am sure of right now is that I like it and will use it whenever possible from now on.

now, moving on....

I thought I had a couple of ebony fingerboards, but cant find one for the life of me... anybody want to sell me a BLACK ebony fingerboard?? I needed it yesterday.

Author:  Rod True [ Tue Feb 12, 2008 7:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lutz question - need ebony fingerboard

It's Lutz like "nuts"

sorry, can't help with the fb Ken.

Author:  joel Thompson [ Tue Feb 12, 2008 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lutz question - need ebony fingerboard

I think shane is the man who can tell you the correct pronounciation for lutz but have allways pronounced it loots as in rymes soots.

i think bob c is probably the man for nice black ebony if he cant help i have realy nice black black black indian ebony here but its probably to expensive to ship one out to you from the uk.

good luck,


Author:  Rod True [ Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lutz question - need ebony fingerboard

When I met Shane face to face, that was one of the questions I asked him because I had hear other's call it Lootz.

So coming from the llama's mouth :D it's Lutz as in "nuts, buts, ruts, cuts and Ken's less than favorable word"

Author:  Dennis Leahy [ Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lutz question - need ebony fingerboard

haha good question!

I think the wood was named for a man named "Lutz" who had a lot of guts and was not nuts (and his daughters were not sluts.)

Then, the scientific community makes his name into Latin, "lutzii", as in Picea lutzii, and I'll bet most would say that it is pronounced loots-zee-eye

Hope you find that Ebony today, and hope someone can ship it yesterday.


Author:  Bobc [ Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lutz question - need ebony fingerboard

Ken I can get an ebony fb out in the moring. Let me know.

awhhhhh nutz

Author:  Shane Neifer [ Tue Feb 12, 2008 11:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lutz question - need ebony fingerboard

Rod is right, I did tell him it rhymes with the sensitive bits of the male anatomy. But Dennis is indeed correct, the name does come from one of the two scientific types that were observing that this was indeed a unique hybrid (completely excepted now!). There a couple of Lutz's left in this area and they pronounce their name "Lootz". I have struggled with this for some time but those taht own the name win....Lootz it is and should always be!

Ken get your fretboard from Bob........But I do have a few also!


Author:  John How [ Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lutz question - need ebony fingerboard

Hey Shane, any estimate as to when you will have some nutzy lutz available? I just joined my last set yesterday and I know it will be sorely missed.

Author:  Shane Neifer [ Wed Feb 13, 2008 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lutz question - need ebony fingerboard

John How wrote:
Hey Shane, any estimate as to when you will have some nutzy lutz available? I just joined my last set yesterday and I know it will be sorely missed.

Here is the scoop! I just cut 450 sets and have them drying, most are heading for Japan and are 1A and 2A. They is awesome looking sets in there but I need to sand some once they are off the drying rack before I know for sure if they will make 3A. I have not been super excited about the tap of this current tree so have been dragging my heels in processing it, but have recently just got at it and I have only another 400 or so sets to process. The sets I have tapped have a great lower fundamental but that higher "ringing" tone is not as strong as I would like. That may be because the tree has not been down for a couple of years like the last batch I was working so I think I will bake an orphan set and see what what happens.

But the great news is that I have a logging truck load of logs lined up to be delivered in the next week or two. These logs are coming from the very same area that I harvested logs two years ago and that resulted in tops that were placed on guitars for Keith Richards. So I expect good things from the this new batch. I will post pictures once they arrive, if I can ever figure out how to post pics on this new software, have had no luck so far!

Anyway, I will keep you all posted on this current tree and on the arrival of the new logs.



Author:  KenH [ Wed Feb 13, 2008 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lutz question - need ebony fingerboard

Thanks for the explanation SHane! I guess I can keep calling it "loots" without people snickering at me [headinwall]

BobC, I sent you a PM. Please ship me a ebony FB ASAP.

Author:  Michael Dale Payne [ Wed Feb 13, 2008 2:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lutz question - need ebony fingerboard

Hodges_Guitars wrote:
Thanks for the explanation SHane! I guess I can keep calling it "loots" without people snickering at me [headinwall]

BobC, I sent you a PM. Please ship me a ebony FB ASAP.

Ken your Noots :D Actually since the word is Germanic I would guess it would be pronounced LO~uts

Author:  Shane Neifer [ Wed Feb 13, 2008 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lutz question - need ebony fingerboard


You were supposed to send that to me by PM. Now it is too late to use it.........!!

I have to live by the KISS principle, so Lutz it remains, trademarked or not! ;)


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