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Santos Mahogany, anyone build with it?
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Author:  Kent Chasson [ Mon Feb 11, 2008 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Santos Mahogany, anyone build with it?

Just happened on some very nice boards of Santos Mahogany. Looks and sounds a lot like Sapele but heavier. Anyone have any experience? Interlocked grain and density make it look like it's going to be interesting to bend...

Author:  joel Thompson [ Mon Feb 11, 2008 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Santos Mahogany, anyone build with it?

Hi kent,
i have some realy nicely figured stuff here that i have cut into guitar sets.
i have not built with it but i have given a set set to a builder to get some feedback from him.
i will let you let you know the results when he comes up with goods.

it has a wondefull glassy ring to which is allways a promosing sighn but it does seem to be prone to splintering so it may have problems with bending.
it is not related to mahogany in any way and i think it ets its name becouse it has a lovely red color when finsihed.
it is pretty dense but not so dens that it scrapes up as well as the rosewood.
but too dense to be worked easily with a hand plane.
it is also prone to very bad tear out.

if you can live with these problems i think it will make nice guitars.

By the way guys this reminds me.
i am looking into a number of alternative woods for guitar woods but dont have the time to build with them myself i am looking to put a list together of profesional luthiers who would like to voluteer to try out new woods for me.
I have a few people here in the uk but would like more options.
The deal would be that i would donate a free set to you in return for feedback of how the wood worked, tonal quality,s and your opinion of suitability as a guitar
if anyone is interested give me a p.m.

please be sure to let us know how it goes Kent.


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