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New Book, OLFer review?
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Author:  LUTHIERfromRcanSaw [ Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:00 am ]
Post subject:  New Book, OLFer review?

A couple of reviews, you can tell one person never built a guitar. I'd like to know if any OLFers have seen this book. Not a bad price and I'm reminded of something someone said, regardless of quality there may be that one gem of an idea contained therein that makes it worth the price? Hmmmm. 15.61 and ship.


Those of you learning to upload pictures, just scroll on down and you'll see Filename and Browse. That eluded me for several days, ahhhh......

Author:  Dave White [ Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Book, OLFer review?


Alex had the stand next to me at the Cheltenham Acoustic Guitar Show last September. He's a very nice man and I liked the sound of one of the guitars he had there a lot. He has some "interesting" methods of construction - for example his standard neck joint is a Spanish heel although he offers a dovetail as an option. You can check him out on his website here.

Sorry but I only flicked through his book, so to find out you'll have to stump up the dollars I'm afraid :D

Author:  TheNewFishtownMike [ Mon Jan 28, 2008 5:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Book, OLFer review?

Hello...I have bought the book as i usually buy all the guitar building related books i can find. You never can have to much information. I thought it was well writen and defenitly has something to offer.

Author:  Bruce Dickey [ Mon Jan 28, 2008 6:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Book, OLFer review?

Thanks Dave and Mike, from the slippery logged in Luthier from RCANSaw....

I thought we had this fixed? Pretty cool when it works.

Author:  Shane Neifer [ Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Book, OLFer review?

I have the book and agree with Todd. There are better choices. But it is in my Library. I don't think I would build in his style but one might learn something from his methods. Kinkead is more relevant for my vision of a modern steel string. And there are others as well. But none of the books I have read really describe the way I really want to build and none probably could. One ends up using the tools they have at had and adapt to that. The largest of those tools (for most anyway :roll: ) is one's brain! Which leads to their skills and techniques.


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