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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 1:59 pm 
Old Growth Brazilian Rosewood
Old Growth Brazilian Rosewood
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I am getting tons of mail. Far too many to answer individually and I am falling woefully behind. So if you don't get an answer, don't take it personal. I am swamped.

However, there are 3 basic login problems that I thought I could go over in a public post.

1. You can't log in with the new password you were sent.
If this is you, email me. I will reset your password and that is fixing the problem 90% of the time.

2. When you log in you can't see any of the forums, but when you log out you can.
After spending some time investigating this problem we are realizing it is not technology related (mac vs. pc, explorer vs firefox vs safari, etc.) The problem apprears to be associated with permissions. The old system set them on an individual level, this sytem sets them at the "group" level.

So many people are affected by this probem that it isn't practical to try and fix this problem one account at a time, so the developers are trying to find a way to reset everyone's permissions globally.

I hope to hear back soon as to their proposed solution. But once this happens this should clean up a lot of folks problems.

Be patient. We are working toward a solution.

3. When you log in it logs you right back out.
I have passed a few of these accounts to the developers and I am waiting to hear what they think the problem is.

I know some of you are reregistering. I think this is a bad idea if you can resist... Here is the problem that creates. You can only have your email address associated with one account. That forces you to either have to modify your existing account, or "fake" an address on the second. As we are all seeing with this excercise it is vitally important to have a good address on file in your profile record.

Re registering, while that may be a decent short term fix, it won't be a good long term one, especially if you ever hope to return to your old account. It just makes a lot of work for Lance and I down the road...

So please, if you can resist please do so...

You have all been very patient, and we appreciate it.

Brock Poling
Columbus, Ohio

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:16 pm 
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Joined: Tue Jan 22, 2008 6:03 pm
Posts: 16
Thanks for the update.

I re-registered under my 'new' name, and really have no need to return to my old nickname. There's really nothing in the previous account that I(we) need anyhow, right?. I'm stating this so that others can decide if participating in the forum and not bothering the admins is more important than having their old post count. I realize the big post count thing is a matter of deep pride for some members, but really, it's kind of silly and childish.

Go back to the old forum, save your precious PM's in a word document, then re-register here and let's carry-on!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:50 pm 

Joined: Sat Jan 26, 2008 1:06 pm
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:27 pm 
Old Growth Brazilian Rosewood
Old Growth Brazilian Rosewood
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Yeah, there is no reason that you HAVE to use your old accout.. but many folks register with their names, or they have recognized handles. I think some are trying to preserve that.

If you are willing to walk away from your old account then I see no problem.

However, before you do that, try again to log in and see if you see the forums. I think Lance may have found a solution in the admin console this morning.

Brock Poling
Columbus, Ohio

PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 6:16 pm 
Brazilian Rosewood
Brazilian Rosewood
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Here is a tip:

I got caught in the loop today where it would log me in and then immediately log me right out again and here is how I solved it.

Go to, then click on enter. Once the next page loads (it will have the list of forums), log in there. Do not go all the way to the list of topics until after you are logged in. If you try to log in while your browser is on the list of topics (the current posts), it will put you in this loop and there is no way to get out of the loop unless you go back and start over.

try this and see if it helps?


Ken H

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