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PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 6:06 pm 

Joined: Sun May 20, 2007 2:47 pm
Posts: 376
Location: Canada
ed at acoustic woods, hope you're checking out the new forum and see this message.
i clicked on your name, hoping your new site was up and running, only to find that some hackers had left their message all over your page.
nothing embarrassing or off color. just run of the mill vandallism.
anyway, hope you get this message and can resolve the issue.
i would have sent you an email, but i'm not too techy and don't know how deep some of this hacking stuff runs, and if it would start to mess with my computer.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:23 pm 
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Hi Phil,

don't know if you're a new member or just experiencing difficulties with the new software.

anyway, welcome here if you're new and welcome back if not.

What part of Canada are you in?

this is from Ed's website, I'd shoot him an email and maybe just give him a call

Acoustic Woods Ltd.
3304 Kingsway Ave.
Port Alberni, BC
Canada V9Y 3B6
Ph: 250 723 2290
Fax: 250 723 2283
Email: or

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"There's really no wrong way, as long as the results are what's desired." Charles Fox

"We have to constantly remind ourselves what we're doing....No Luthier is putting a man on the moon!" Harry Fleishman

"Generosity is always different in the eye of the person who didn't receive anything, but who wanted some." Waddy Thomson

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:25 pm 
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Joined: Fri Aug 11, 2006 11:09 am
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First name: Kirby
State: Wa. ... Devoted (Inspired?) hack
Rod the website has been hacked.

"It's a Tone Faerie thing"
"Da goal is to sharpen ur wit as well as ye Sgian Dubh"

"Sippin Loch Dhu @Black lake" ,Kirby O...

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:49 pm 
this started a while back with those turks adding in political messages on buried pages (that I had bookmarked)...and this event as described above just happened as I popped into AC Woods last night to see if they were up and running, and no hackage like is presently seen....probably a good idea to not go in depth there as there may be things buried waiting to latch onto you like a leech...

PostPosted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:05 pm 
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All the information is still good. Just pick up the phone and call him.

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"There's really no wrong way, as long as the results are what's desired." Charles Fox

"We have to constantly remind ourselves what we're doing....No Luthier is putting a man on the moon!" Harry Fleishman

"Generosity is always different in the eye of the person who didn't receive anything, but who wanted some." Waddy Thomson

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