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slot cutting for slotless bridge pins
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Author:  Brad T [ Tue Jan 22, 2008 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  slot cutting for slotless bridge pins

While we are waiting for this new forum to come to speed, I thought I'd ask a question. When using slotless bridge pins, what do you guys use to cut the string slots in the bridge? I am assuming a needle file, but then the slots would be larger than the treble strings, which may or may not be a big deal.

Author:  Brad T [ Wed Jan 23, 2008 6:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: slot cutting for slotless bridge pins

Did I answer my own question? :?

Author:  David Collins [ Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: slot cutting for slotless bridge pins

Brad T wrote:
Did I answer my own question? :?


There are a number of discussions about this in the archives, but I'm not sure how up and running that part is yet. Most people use a jig saw blade, then clean and widen with swiss needle files. Doing it all with a file seems like ti would take forever. The slots are usually a bit wider the the wraps on the treble string ends straight from the saw cut, but it's fine.

Author:  Sylvan [ Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: slot cutting for slotless bridge pins

This has been covered many times before but I"ll say it again: A jigsaw works great. Grind any old jigsaw blade so that it will fit in you 3/16" holes. Cover the bottom of your jigsaw with leather or some type of covering and then cut away. You will be suprised how straight your cuts will be. And, of course, it is very quick!

Author:  B Dickey [ Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: slot cutting for slotless bridge pins

Sylvan Made It! Yahoo, this place rocks, hey Sylvan nice picture!

How do you like my green apple?

I just bought some jigsaw blades for this very purpose.

The skinniest ones I found were Black and Decker 10 TPI, and they'll still have to be ground down a bit to fit.

Has anyone found a finer tooth skinny blade? PM me if you have and tell me the brand and where you got it. Thanks, Bruce

Author:  Kirt Myers [ Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: slot cutting for slotless bridge pins

Broken off scroll saw blades or fine tooth coping saw blades can work to nibble at the slots.


Author:  Dave-SKG [ Wed Jan 23, 2008 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: slot cutting for slotless bridge pins

Brad T wrote:
While we are waiting for this new forum to come to speed, I thought I'd ask a question. When using slotless bridge pins, what do you guys use to cut the string slots in the bridge? I am assuming a needle file, but then the slots would be larger than the treble strings, which may or may not be a big deal.

StewMac also sells them with a little wooden handle. and you can pull out the blade and reverse so it isn't so agressive. Not much money...dollars and a few cents... :shock:

Author:  Brad T [ Wed Jan 23, 2008 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: slot cutting for slotless bridge pins

I use a jigsaw blade I epoxied in a wooden handle, as above, for cutting grooves for the bass 2 strings, cleaning up with a needle file, when using slotted pins. I was just curious mainly about the treble strings, thinking the jigsaw blade kerf would be too big. I was also unsure as to whether or not a needle file would leave the slot too big on the 1st - 3rd strings as well. I should have clarified that in the original post...sorry about that.

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