Hi Phil,
don't know if you're a new member or just experiencing difficulties with the new software.
anyway, welcome here if you're new and welcome back if not.
What part of Canada are you in?
this is from Ed's website, I'd shoot him an email and maybe just give him a call
Acoustic Woods Ltd.
3304 Kingsway Ave.
Port Alberni, BC
Canada V9Y 3B6
Ph: 250 723 2290
Fax: 250 723 2283
ed@acousticwoods.ca or
My Facebook Guitar Page"There's really no wrong way, as long as the results are what's desired." Charles Fox
"We have to constantly remind ourselves what we're doing....No Luthier is putting a man on the moon!" Harry Fleishman
"Generosity is always different in the eye of the person who didn't receive anything, but who wanted some." Waddy Thomson